Waukee Waves Diving is a springboard diving program in Iowa. Waves Diving Team runs a full range of groups from beginners with no experience to Competitive divers. The Waves coaching staff has experience coaching club, high school, and college divers. The Waves practice groups and structure allow coaches to focus on basic skills and form as well as advanced dryland and springboard practices for team members. The goal for the Waves Dive Team is to inspire learners who feel valued, challenged, and prepared for tomorrow's opportunities through the sport of diving.
Parent and Athlete Information Meeting November 3rd at the Waukee Community Schools Natatorium
After meeting concludes open board time if registration fee has been paid
Coaching Staff
Dana Liva
Abi Reiland
Nicholas Schlader
Contact dliva@waukeeschools.org with questions
Practice times will be shared through the Weekly Wave
Entry Requirements
Group Goals
Entry Requirements
Group Goals
Entry Requirements
Group Goals:
Safe Sport
The Vision on WW is the same as the Waukee Community School District's Vision:
Inspiring learners who feel values, challenged, and prepared to embrace tomorrow's opportunities.
WW Safe Sport Coordinator- Bobby Kelley- rkelley@waukeeschools.org | (515) 987-2750
To report a Safe Sport concern, contact USA Diving at (317) 947-4893 or taylor.payne@usadiving.org
Contact U.S. Center for Safe Sport to make a report. Call 833-5US-Safe (587-7233) or use the online reporting form or find more information at http://www.uscenterforsafesport.org//
Email tips to usadiving@usadiving.org
Email: rkelley@waukeeschools.org
Phone: 515-987-2750
Address: 1655 NW Douglas Pkwy, Waukee, IA, 50263, United States
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